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PCF Foals

2021 Expected Foals

eminence ps1.jpg
Polidoro FC

In foal to Benicio PCF for 2020:

In foal to Eminence PS for 2020:

In foal to Polidoro FC for 2020:
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Emerald J1.jpg

In foal to Bey Ambition for 2020:

In foal to Royal Asad for 2020:

  • Stormy Weather PCF by Invictus PCF

  • RD Marciea Bey by Bey Ambtion *ET

In foal to Emerald J for 2020:

  • Inessence PCF by Invictus PCF

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el nabila.jpg
Vision Pretty head signed.jpg

In foal to QR Marc for 2020:

  • Euphoria PCF by Arbiteur

In foal to El Nabila B for 2020:

In foal to PCF Vision for 2020:

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In foal to Ajman Moniscione for 2020:

  • Infinity PCF by SF Veraz

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